Today, the APPG on Global Education met with Send My Friend to School youth campaigners to discuss their campaign, ‘The Right Climate To Learn’. In an interactive virtual event, APPG members Kate Green MP (pictured), Harriett Baldwin MP, Lord German and Lord McConnell had a productive conversation with the secondary-school aged campaigners. The campaigners did an excellent job of highlighting the many ways climate shocks are affecting access to education and education’s critical role in building climate resilience. With the UK a host of next year’s postponed COP26, the campaigners were especially keen for the UK to use this opportunity to take decisive action to stop climate change undermining the right to education and strengthen education’s role in the global climate response.

The APPG meeting was part of the Send My Friend’s annual parliamentary action day which also included a Q and A with UK Special Envoy for Girls Education, Baroness Sugg, and meetings with their local MPs. We look forward to welcoming them back to parliament next year… hopefully in-person!