APPG – Global Education for All

UK parliamentarians working to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4: to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

General Election - APPG Activity Suspended

From Thursday 30th May 2024 the APPG on Global Education will be dissolved for the General Election. The APPG on Global Education formally ceases to have status on this date and will not be active again until it is reconstituted in a new Parliament. The APPG on Global Education has therefore suspended all activities and is not able to reply to public correspondence or media inquiries during this time. Until the group is reconstituted, this website will not be updated. Existing content and information about the group’s membership should be considered historic. 

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About us

The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Global Education for All raises awareness among UK parliamentarians of factors affecting education in developing countries.

We also raise awareness about the Government’s obligations to help achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education.

Latest from the blog

APPG on Global Education holds 2024 Annual General Meeting

On Wednesday, 28th of February, the APPG on Global Education held its Annual General Meeting to elect officers, review the group's activities over the last year, and discuss plans for the year ahead. The group acknowledged the new rules for APPGs coming into effect on...

Contact information:

Hannah Frisch